
MA legal pot market to open July 1st!

Everything you need to know

As of July 1st, recreational Cannabis will be legal in Massachusetts. Because there are so many changes to the law coming, it is important to understand what they are and how they will affect you.

Laws for the Adult-use market

  • First and foremost, you must be 21 or older to purchase, posses and consume Cannabis.
  • Under the new law, it is legal to posses up to an ounce of marijuana when you are out of the house. Only five grams of that ounce can be marijuana concentrate oil. However, you can keep a much larger amount at home, up to ten ounces. That is a lot of pot!
  • It is important to note that if you are driving with weed in the car, it must be in a sealed container, locked in the trunk or glove compartment to avoid any issues with local law enforcement. This law is very similar to open container laws with alcohol.

Weed is not legal EVERYWHERE in MA

Another issue that needs to be raised concerns the fact that Question 4, which legalized marijuana in MA, does not mean pot is available in every city or town in the state.

Due to the way legalization was structured, every local municipality was given the right to decide if their community would allow retail shops and pot to be sold. Because of this, there are over 100 towns in MA that have banned delivery services as well as retail shops.

This could end up being problematic for residents of those towns who want to enjoy the legal weed market along with the rest of the state.

Despite their reluctance to jump into the marijuana market, Massachusetts residents in one of those 100 towns can just drive next door and buy whatever they want to bring home. Over time, the loss of revenue will likely cause these municipalities to reverse their decision and open shops of their own.

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